Wolfgang Saker’s WIP of 3D printed scultpture and fan hologram with video work displayed 35x30x10cm

This is a mock up.
Annabelle McEwen’s wants to experiment with video work and methods of installling and displaying the video. This is a video WIP and a mock up perhaps displaying it using an old ipod mounted to the gallery wall. 

Wolfgang Saker’s WIP 3D rendered sculpture work in progress 110cm x 100cm x 50cm will be 3d printed and painted

Annabelle McEwen, MeThreeSixty, 2024, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 130 x 29.5 cm

Wolfgang Saker, clip from To you the immortal,  2022, single channel HD digital video 2601 minutes

(Wall from left to right:)
Corporeal Collapse: Data_ Scan_2, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 1000 x 1000 mm
Software_Ouroboros, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 1000 x 1000 mm
Corporeal Collapse: Data_Scan_1
, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 355 × 279 mm
Bio-identifier_3, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 355 × 279 mm
Corporeal Data Scan_ 1, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 355 × 279 mm
Augment, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 355 x 279 mm
Corporeal Data Scan_ 3, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 355 × 279 mm
Corporeal Data: AR_2, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 355 × 279 mm

(Floor from left to right:)
Enveloped Form: Corporeal Data_AR
, 2023, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 1000 × 500 × 250 mm
Enveloped Form: Reversed Hotlink Composition, 2022, dye sublimation print on aluminium, 1000 × 500 × 250 mm
Photographer: Ruby Blinkhorn

Wolfgang Saker, clip from Zagreus, 2023, Single channel HD digital video, 808 minutes

Annabelle McEwen, Corporeal Data: Reversed Hotlink Composition no.5, 2023, image transfer on aluminium, 235 x 235 mm, Manuka Arts Centre, Canberra

Wolfgang Saker, clip from Fun For Everyone, 2023, Single channel HD digital video, 503 minutes

Annabelle McEwen, Nannu, 2023, laser etched intaglio on plaster, 160 x 120 x 60 mm